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The Sheiling Trust



The Sheiling Trust (TST) was set up in October 1983 in the UK as a charitable educational trust. The name ‘sheiling’ is a hut in a lonely place and was taken from one such location in the Nilgiri Hills of southern India. The reason for this choice is that TST has a close connection with Hebron School, situated in these Hills, and one of the original Trustees was Rupert Darling, then the School’s Principal.

Trust objective

The original deed reads as follows: The object of the Trust shall be the advancement of Christian Education and in particular the education of children or charges of Christians overseas. The Charity Commission (CC) website (in the UK) has this further explanation:

The Sheiling Trust has been set up to aid Christian education overseas and acts as a channel for gifts to the schools and those connected with them. The Trust also helps to meet expenses in the UK which schools find difficult to do.

rekonnect camps

In fulfilling its wider objective to help advance Christian education, TST happily agreed to take on the invaluable work of these camps for the children of Christian workers overseas, in 2021. 


There are currently (2022) seven Trustees, all of whom have a connection with Hebron School, Ootacamund, India. Each also has an interest in promoting Christian education at school level within the UK and Overseas. The Trustees are:

  • Sue Brown – visitor from Dean Close School, Cheltenham
  • Jeremy Niblett (treasurer) – former staff
  • Alix Stockwell (rekonnect strategic lead) – former student and IG
  • Alastair Reid (chair) – former staff
  • Stuart Riley – former student
  • Kathy Pinsent – former staff 

Chairman’s reports

These are produced annually to go with the audited Treasurer’s Report. These can be found on the CC website.


TST welcomes gifts, regular donations and legacies to further its charitable work. There are no paid workers – all Trustees are volunteers – and so everything donated can be used directly for the charitable aims of TST. Contact the Treasurer, Jeremy Niblett.

The Sheiling Trust is registered with the UK Charity Commission: number 326502


The ‘Hebron connection’ – students, former staff and former students at rekonnect teens 2022